My new Comedy Central/Atom web-pilot is up. PUPPET RODEO is the story of brave, misunderstood puppets who risk their lives riding dogs. Competitively. We shot this in November, but it's just going online now to cash-in on the popularity of Rodeo Season (no joke!)
Puppet Rodeo
It was a challenging shoot, since dogs don't take direction. But I got to work with some awesome animals -- and some very talented humans, including DP Jeremy Carr, Shooter Ryan Fidrick, Voice-Actors Mark Douglas and Karen Sneider, and Eric Hendricks who served as editor, co-producer and puppeteer. And the dudes at Charged who made the puppets and sets.
Ryan, Eric and Jeremy also worked on OLD PEOPLE NEWS.
Old People News
OLD PEOPLE NEWS was supposed to become a web-series, but then the economy tanked. Too bad, I loved writing for those characters and continue to come up with jokes for them.