

Kevin Geeks Out About Rip-Off Cinema


Kevin Geeks Out is the comedy-variety show hosted by writer-comedian Kevin Maher – a confabulation of vintage film clips and videos, new finds, guest experts, games and curiosities. To geek out with Kevin you don’t need to be a geek, you just need to love cool stuff. 

Since 2008, Kevin has geeked out with 23 different installments of his video variety night to fill those gaps in your education about Bigfoot! – Robots! – Video Games! – Werewolves! – KISS! – Batman! – and Sharks! His shows have been critics’ picks in the Village Voice, Time Out New York, Gothamist, The New York Times’ “Urban Eye”...and what other comedy show can you name that’s been featured in Scientific American Online?

This month, Kevin Geeks Out about RIP-OFF CINEMA, chronicling the “knockbusters” that attempt to capture the magic of E.T., KING KONG, WAR OF THE WORLDS and other big-budget blockbusters. The two-hour cultural cavalcade includes trivia, snacks, prizes, and guest speakers presenting rare film footage and TV clips you won’t find on YouTube or Netflix.  Kevin is joined by some very special guests:  

·      Emmy Award-winning Daily Show writer Elliott Kalan looks back at his favorite E.T. rip-off.  (It’s not Mac and Me!)
·      Writer M. Sweeney Lawless gives a brief history of films that aped KING KONG.
·      Comic Book Blogger Nick Nadel presents a montage of Super-hero knock-offs from around the world.
·      Professor Geoff Klock illustrates the difference between a rip-off and an homage.
·      Filmmaker Matthew Glasson shares scenes from his favorite JAWS copycat (that was actually banned from the U.S. for copyright infringement!)
·      Horror Blogger Brian Solomon presents a study of HALLOWEEN rip-offs.
·      And Artist-Baker Sara Reiss serves up “knock-off” themed treats.
·      Plus trivia games and prizes that will include knock-off products.

Thursday September 15th @ 8pm
92Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson Street  NYC

buy tickets HERE

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