

Andrew 12-Sided Dice Clay - fundraising update

Click HERE to donate to Kevin Maher's kickstarter campaign for ANDREW 12-SIDED DICE CLAY. 

The above clip was taped during THE IRON MULE NYC’s longest-running comedy film series.  The crowd loved the trailer for ANDREW 12-SIDED DICE CLAY, and I needed some positive re-enforcements.

True Story: an old friend did me a favor by sharing A12SDC with one of the biggest comedy websites. But the executive didn’t like it (had my video been on his site, he would have voted “Die”) This proves that the web-series won’t get made by a big corporate entity. It’s independent comedy and it will only get made by YOU.

Elsewhere in the comedy world, ANDREW 12-SIDED DICE CLAY is being backed by a producer from NBC’s COMMUNITY (the sitcom, not the actual NBC community).  A hilarious writer from CONAN has generously donated and spread the word.  And a two-time Emmy winning writer from THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART has kicked in and told others to do the same.

But I’m most excited to have YOU involved.  This is no longer my project, it’s OUR project.  And we’re gonna get this thing made. 

Thanks for your support. 


Below is a clip of the trailer, playing before the Iron Mule audience. 
Click HERE to see the full-trailer and donate! 

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