

Andrew 12-Sided Dice Clay: a new video project by Kevin Maher

I used to make short comedy videos all the time. 

Then I had two kids.  Now most of the projects I do are work-for-hire with corporate sponsorship.  They pay the bill and I make the videos they want.

But all that's about to change.  If you can help me.

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I was invited to NY Comic Con to speak at a panel on Geek Humor.

Rather than just talk, I made a short-video about the ultimate geek comic: ANDREW 12-SIDED DICE CLAY.

The 3-minute trailer played beautifully, the audience loved it.

Now I want to make a web-series.

But I can't do it without YOUR help.  No corporate entity wants to align its product with a greaser telling filthy Star Wars jokes.  I need grassroots support.

I need people like you (specifically YOU) to get involved.

Pledge what you can to my kickstarter campaign

If I don't reach my fundraising goal, you won't be charged anything.  And if I do reach my goal, your contribution will be funding my dream project.  And you'll get a number of perks and kick-backs, depending on the amount you pledge. (Click here to see what you'll receive.)

So far over 300 people have re-posted the trailer on Facebook.  But a *like* is not the same as a contribution.  At the current fundraising rate, I will not reach my goal.

Please repost this page, re-tweet it, or just email it to a friend, and encourage your friends to support this campaign.  (It's easy, just click here, it takes 2 minutes)

Please take part in this one-of-a-kind comedy web-show.

thanks so much.



Mark Douglas as the 12-Sided Diceman, photo by Matthew Glasson

More about the project:

The series would star comedian Mark Douglas (a YouTube Sensation from the KEY OF AWESOME series)  Mark is one of the funniest guys I know.  He's also no stranger to comedy videos, his song parodies are hugely successful, his Kei$ha video was the 6th most watched video on YouTube last year.  For years, Mark and I had worked together on Giant Tuesday Night of Amazing Inventions and Also There is a Game.

DP Jeremy Carr has been working with me for years on projects like Comedy Central's Old People NewsPuppet Rodeo, and AMC's The Sci Fi Department.  He's just wrapping up production of his feature film, LUCID.  I'm lucky to have Jeremy involved.

Editor Eric Hendricks is another one of my go-to guys, having worked with me on Puppet Rodeo, Old People News and The Sci Fi Department.  He's edited TV shows and is cutting a documentary now, but he's got excellent comedic chops. Eric's one of my favorite people to work with.

The web-series will follow the adventures of Andrew 12-Sided Dice Man, as he butts heads with rival comedians, struggles to find success, alientes his fan-base, and attempts to find lucrative TV gigs.   And we'll even see a focus group watch his routine.

I hope you'll help me with this project.  I have a hard time asking for help, so this is good practice.

But seriously, pledge here.  Thanks!

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