

Kevin Geeks Out About Rip-Off Cinema

We've got a new KEVIN GEEKS OUT show coming up. 

This month's theme is RIP-OFF CINEMA, chronicling the "knockbusters" that attempt to capture the magic of big-budget movies. Buy tickets HERE (NOTE: We're an editor's pick at Gothamist as one of the 20 Fun Things to do in May, so the show will likely sell-out.) 

Friday May 10th @ 8pm
92Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson Street, NYC
just ten bucks

Here's the line-up: 

Webby-winning comedian Rusty Ward looks back on James Cameron's inspiration for THE TERMINATOR -- and the bitter lawsuit that followed. 

Filmmaker Matthew Glasson explores the gritty legacy of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD rip-offs. 

Cult-film lover Tenebrous Kate shared oddly-familiar clips from TURKISH CINEMA. 

Tom Blunt (host of the MEET THE LADY series) looks at MORTAL KOMBAT rip-offs. 

Writer M. Sweeney Lawless skewers KONGA, the British KING KONG. 

Nick Nadel (editor, offers a retrospective on bootleg movie merchandies and toys from around the world. 

Jamie Greenberg delivers a first-class trivia game. 

And your host, Kevin Maher, talks about his favorite forgotten copycat films. 

Plus home-made snacks from Sara Reiss (using store-brand cereals.) 

KEVIN GEEKS OUT is the comedy variety show hosted by writer-comedian Kevin Maher -- a confabulation of vintage film clips and videos, new finds, guest experts, games and curiosities. To geek out with Kevin you don't need to be a geek, you just need to love cool stuff. 


  1. What a bargain. 10 bucks? If I was going to be in NYC I'd definitely come out and support you.

    I found this site looking for Trivia Games online but I like what I see so far! great stuff..
