
BEST FILMS OF THE DECADE (as written by some dipshit)

Well friends, it's hard to believe the 00's are coming to a close. But one things for sure - it's been an awesome decade for movie-lovers like me. It was no easy task, but here's my round-up of the most best movies that came out in the last 10 years.

10. Drag Me to Hell
Sam Raimi's still got it!

9. District 9
I hope they make a sequel.

8. The Hangover
Funniest movie of the decade!

7. Up
What can I say, I love Pixar

6. Spartacus
I rented this in October of this year, so it counts.

5. Terminator: Salvation
The best Sci-Fi of the decade

4. It's Complicated
A movie for the whole family to see on Christmas weekend.

3. New Moon
A howling good time.

2. Sherlock Holmes
So. Damn. Good.

1. Avatar
Hells yeah.

Did you get it? This list was written by one of those dumb guys who has no real memory and can just barely recall the films he's seen recently. And whenever he walks out of a movie theater, he thinks "that was the best movie I've ever seen." So if one of these chuckleheads were to write a list like this, it would be absurd.

As for my best picks of the decade -- I have 2 kids. I don't get to go to the movies. If I see a movie it's a kid video we'll watch over and over. Sorry list-lovers. Though I did rent "Coming Home", it was excellent.

1 comment:

Mohamed Abdellatif said...

تُعدّ المنازل من الأمور الأكثر اهتماماً في عصرنا الحديث، حيث يبني العديد من النّاس منزلاً للعيش فيه طوال عمرهم، كما يلجؤون للاهتمام بشكله ومظهره الخارجيّ والدّاخلي، ومكانه المناسب، وتُعدّ الحرارة والأمطار من الظّروف التّي تتأثّر بها المنازل بشكلٍ ملحوظ، فسطح المنزل أوّل موقعٍ يتم فيه تجمّع مياه الأمطار، والتعرّض للحرارة بشكلٍ مباشر، وتكون حماية الأسطح من هذان العاملان بطريقةٍ مثاليةٍ تسمى "عزل الأسطح".

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